Sunday 5 February 2017

You realise you are different...

When you turn 18, you realise you are different because people around you do not want to empathise with you.
The truth is we all are fighting the same battles and need tender temperament. But, rarely do we understand that the person in front of us do so too.

We hurt them, use them for our selfish needs (many a times, unknowingly) and get attached to them.
We forget, karma will get back at us.

Being 18, you might realise that true love is without attachment. It is the love which lasts irrespective of pain and pleasure. And when you understand this, you will figure out you have never loved before. And, you will figure out you want to love everyone.

Well, well....

I just turned 18.
I had a few blogs running out of which only one ( the one I focussed on ) became a little known.
What I got to know after this is that it requires a lot of hardwork.
I have a little bit of stress here.
Crucial exams, crazy life questions that scare my friends away and well, little bit of loneliness?

So, since I don't want to mess things up, I'll be channelising my pain productively into creating this blog.

Welcome to a different world.